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Wondering what is involved in a homestay? Here is a general list of expectations:
  • Take an interest in your student’s education and well-being
  • Provide a safe, nurturing home environment
  • Provide regular nutritious meals
  • Provide a private room with basic necessities (e.g. bed, clean bedding, closet, desk, window, internet)
  • Include your student in family activities if he/she wishes to participate
  • Set fair and consistent rules and regulations just as you would with your own children
  • Help your student get established and adjust to life in Canada
  • Be understanding of differences and celebrate diversity
  • Provide a clean police check for all individuals over 18 years old who may reside in your home

If this sounds like something you are interested in, or if you want more information, please contact us for further details.

If you are excited about this opportunity and can't wait to get started, please apply now.